We are ambassador of events

We love events. We see trends. We are diverse. We are nice:-) Each event is planned with passion, heart and soul, organized and accomplished. And what are your benefits? Creating a long lasting experience we have done everything right and your customers or employees are happy.


Birte Glawe

I am an ambassador of events because I trace the unicorn in even the most hectic urban jungle . birte.glawe@team-nice.de

Romain Deltour

I am a ambassador of events because I have always been a dreamer who fulfilled his dreams with other people. romain.deltour@team-nice.de

Karin-Catharina Wolniczak

I am an ambassador of events because I am able to convince the most skeptical person. karin.wolniczak@team-nice.de

Anabelle van de Schans

I am an ambassador of events because I transport my love for life in our events. anabelle.vandeschans@team-nice.de

Reni Schmid

I am an ambassador of events because I find a flower meadow in every event which colors I bring to shine. reni.schmid@team-nice.de

Larissa Wolniczak

I am an ambassador of events because I can bring out the appropriate charisma even from the simplest program. larissa.wolniczak@team-nice.de

Christina Schultz

I am an event ambassador because I work out extraordinary ideas that can be turned into real concepts which I then put into practice with a lot of dedication.christina.schultz@team-nice.de

Wolfgang Geithner

I am an event ambassador because I know how to first listen and then design the right event for our customers. wolfgang.geithner@team-nice.de

Chantal Faucheron

I am a ambassador of events because I know how to turn a trip into a fantastic memory. chantal.faucheron@team-nice.de

Clara Achsel

I am an event ambassador because I know how to rewrite the worst music partitions into a symphony. clara.achsel@team-nice.de

This is us

nice:-) up close and personal.


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